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Do you understand your electricity bill?

We want to explain your electricity bill to you, so that you know, one by one, all the concepts that make it up.

Too easy!

Here your energy marketer is detailed, in this case it is us: Audax Renovables. We are a company that generates 100% energy from renewable sources and we market electricity, efficiency and natural gas.
  • CUPS: CUPS is like the "tuition" of your supply. This acronym stands for Universal Supply Point Code and is a unique identifier consisting of 22 characters.  
  • INVOICE NUMBER: It is a code made up of 9 digits that the company gives to each invoice in order to identify it or find it quickly.
  • BILLING PERIOD: refers to the period during which the supply covered by this invoice has been consumed.
  • INVOICE DATE: is the date on which the invoice is issued, so it is always after the billing period.
  • DELIVERY NOTE Nº: It is a code made up of 9 digits.
  • COUNTER: It is a code made up of 9 digits that the distributor gives to each meter in order to quickly identify it.
  • ACCESS RATE AMOUNT: The Access Fee entails the amount that the marketer, in this case Audax Renovables, pays the Distributor for the transportation of the supply and other expenses. It is also known as ATR (Third Party Network Access).
  • FEE: shows the internal reference to recognize the rate and prices to apply. You can check your conditions/costs in the contract.
  • CONTRACT END DATE: is the date on which the current contract ends.
  • POWER: To know what power you have contracted, you must look in the contract or on the electricity bill, where you will find a section indicating the contracted power.
  • REF. SUPPLY CONTRACT: is the contract number with the Distribution company corresponding to your supply.
  • ACCESS FEE: The access rate is determined by the contracted power. 

    If you are an apartment, a house or a commercial premises, it is likely that your rate will be 2.0TD. The 2.0TD Rate has three consumption periods and two contracted power periods.    

    If you are a small or medium-sized company, your rate is likely to be 3.0TD. This rate is divided into 6 periods, with 6 different power and 6 energy prices.

    If you are a large company, your rate is likely to be 6.1TD. This rate is divided into 6 periods, with 6 different power and 6 energy prices.  

    If you are an industry with large energy needs, it is likely that your rate will be a 6.2TD or a 6.3 TD or a 6.4TD. These rates are divided into 6 periods, with 6 different power and 6 energy prices. 

  • POWER ACCESS RATE AMOUNT: is the amount charged by the distributor for the use of the transportation and distribution networks associated with the power term.
  • ENERGY ACCESS RATE AMOUNT: is the amount charged by the distributor for the use of the transportation and distribution networks associated with the energy term.
This section contains the name and surname of the contract holder along with the complete address of the place for which the energy is contracted.
  • BUSINESS NAME: name of the company for which the supply is contracted or name and surname of the person contracting the supply.
  • REGISTERED ADDRESS: name of the street where the client contracting the supply is located.
  • SUPPLY ADDRESS: address of the home or premises for which the supply is contracted.
  • LOCATION: place where the home or premises of the person contracting the supply is located, along with the postal code and the name of the province to which said place belongs.
  • REGULATED COMPONENTS: These are expenses added to the rate, in this case electricity, although they are also paid in the gas rate. This amount is established by the Government independently of the companies, however, all must apply it equally to their rates. These components, whose price is regulated by the Government, are: the access fee, the rental of equipment (such as the meter) and the taxes paid on the electricity bill, the Electricity Tax (IE) and VAT. The Government publishes the amount of these Regulated Components in the BOE. 
  • CIF/NIF HOLDER: code or Tax Identification Number of the company (CIF/NIF) or National Identity Document (DNI) of the person who contracts the supply.
  • The billing detail shows the Power term, he Energy term, he Electricity tax and the Equipment rental.

    VAT is applied to the Taxable Base, made up of the sum of these details.

    • THE POWER TERM It is the price to pay for the power that you have contracted with the electricity supply company and not for consumption. The contracted power is charged whether it is consumed or not, since it is paid for the provision of energy to the consumer. It is also called Fixed Term or Power Billing Term.
    • THE ENERGY TERM It is what is paid for the energy consumed. It is found by multiplying the price in euros per kilowatt-hour (€/kWh) by the energy that has been consumed in a specific period (data that appears on the meter). It is also known as Variable Term, Energy Billing Term or Consumption Term.
    • THE TAX ON ELECTRICITY AND EQUIPMENT RENTAL It is one of the special taxes established on specific consumption and set by the State, in this case, on electricity consumption. Therefore, the way of calculating the amount to be paid is defined by a tax rule, applying 4.864% of the tax base increased by 5.113% due to the effect of the missing surcharge for coal mining (in the invoice 1.05113). This tax on electricity is part of the regulated components stipulated by the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism. Measuring equipment can be rented or owned. It is generally rented, so the client pays the corresponding amount monthly. The rental of Measurement Equipment is one of the regulated Components for which the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism sets a price that all electricity companies must charge their customers. This amount must be paid in each monthly invoice. The Ministry can modify the cost of the Regulated Components each quarter and it is published in the Official State Gazette. The amount for renting the meter is an amount that is also added to the subtotal of the invoice, and that, together with the above, the client must pay periodically to the supply company that provides said equipment.
  • BOX/BANK: your bank entity where you have the payment of the invoice domiciled.
  • AMOUNT: the exact amount that you must pay and that is indicated in the “Total invoice” section.
  • DATE CHARGE: It is the date on which your invoice will be charged.

The Readings make it possible to know the amount of electricity measured and reflected in the meter or measuring equipment, and it is according to this data how billing is carried out.

The "Readings" table also provides other data:

  • CURRENT READING: is carried out on the date on which the consumption period of this invoice ends.
  • PREVIOUS READING: is the reading made at the end of the last billing period, so from then on it begins to count current consumption.
  • CONSUMPTION: we know the consumption corresponding to the current billing period by subtracting the “Previous Reading” data from the “Current Reading” data.

The type of energy billed to all clients is active energy, although depending on their consumption and the type of meter, reactive energy and/or maximum power records may also be billed.

In this section Audax Renewables shows energy consumption for the last 14 months.

  • TAXES APPLIED: the so-called Electricity Tax (IE) and VAT make up the amount of these taxes.
  • COST OF ELECTRICITY PRODUCTION AND MARKETING MARGIN: This amount covers the electricity production costs of the power plants and, on the other hand, the profit that remains for the marketing company.
  • OTHER REGULATED COSTS (including the deficit annuity). Equipment rental, if applicable, must be added to the amounts indicated in the diagram.

In compliance with current legislation and, for the alternative resolution of disputes, Audax Renovables is a member of the consumer arbitration system. You can consult more information in the following link.

  • ACCESS CONTRACT REFERENCE: If you are already a customer of Audax Energía and you have some type of problem with your supply or breakdown, you must contact your Distributor providing your “access contract reference” which refers to the supply contract number.
  • PHONE FAULTS: in case of technical breakdown related to the supply. For example: outages, voltage drops, problems with the meter, among others. You can contact the toll-free telephone number of your Distributor, responsible for guaranteeing the quality of the supply.
  • DISTRIBUTION COMPANY: is responsible for the network that carries energy from production centers to the final consumer.

In Audax Renewables we have a own customer service department that will assist you from Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. uninterruptedly through these means:

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Audax Renewables It provides you with information about the electrical system.

Next, on your bill, you will find graphs with information about the origin of the electricity. The electrical energy supplied is the same as that supplied to your neighbors and other consumers. It refers to the unification and nationalization by the government of the electrical energy transmission network, which guarantees the same service and the same quality of energy, regardless of the company with which you contract the electricity.

The objective of this section is that you can visually compare the percentages used of each energy source for the production mix of the Spanish electrical system, and, at the same time, the difference of these percentages for the composition of the energy mix of Audax.

  • The graph titled “Origin of your electricity supplier” shows the percentages of each type of energy that make up the mix, in this case the company's energy Audax Renewables.
  • In section "Environmental impact of your marketing company"two graphs are displayed: the first shows the CO2 Emissions, while the second indicates the High Activity radioactive waste. In both cases you can see the position of the national average in relation to the Environmental Impact of Audax Renewables.


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