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FAQS - Frequently Asked Questions

Whenever you want, you can consult the conditions of your contract, specified in the contractual document that you signed with us.

Each contract has the purpose of marketing electric energy and/or natural gas and/or additional services to the energy supply, specifying the Supply Points (CUPS) in the Specific Conditions of the Contract.

The contract includes all the main characteristics of the products and services, the contracting terms, the conditions of service provision, the scope and specific coverage of the services, including the economic conditions.

All these details are in accordance with the information you have received previously, either through the visit of a commercial advisor or through our website or other means (telephone, electronic or telematic), of in accordance with the provisions of Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007 or General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users for remote contracting or outside the commercial establishment.

If you wish to consult some aspects of your current contract, you can do so by accessing your customer area at with your access codes. You can also download the customer app where, in addition to the contract, you can quickly and easily access your invoices and make inquiries directly to our Customer Service Department.

Additionally, you can consult more information about the rate you have contracted:  

Here you will find the general conditions:

Whenever you want, you can consult the conditions of your contract, specified in the contractual document that you signed with us.

Each contract has the purpose of marketing electric energy and/or natural gas and/or additional services to the energy supply, specifying the Supply Points (CUPS) in the Specific Conditions of the Contract.

The contract includes all the main characteristics of the products and services, the contracting terms, the conditions of service provision, the scope and specific coverage of the services, including the economic conditions.

All these details are in accordance with the information you have received previously, either through the visit of a commercial advisor or through our website or other means (telephone, electronic or telematic), of in accordance with the provisions of Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007 or General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users for remote contracting or outside the commercial establishment.

If you wish to consult some aspects of your current contract, you can do so by accessing your customer area at with your access codes. You can also download the customer app where, in addition to the contract, you can quickly and easily access your invoices and make inquiries directly to our Customer Service Department.

Additionally, you can consult more information about the rate you have contracted:  

Here you will find the general conditions:

Our electric energy company produces and offers energy at very competitive prices with products that adapt to all needs, whether for domestic use or professional consumption.

Audax Renovables is a vertically integrated energy group that generates 100% renewable electricity and markets electricity, efficiency and natural gas. Renewable energy is a priority for the company as it is an investment for the future. Protecting the planet and the environment have gone from being an option to becoming a necessity to ensure the future of future generations.

At Audax Renovables we want to lead the change towards clean energy and, ultimately, move forward with firm steps towards a present with a future.

We work aimed at optimizing all our processes to guarantee the best rates and thus contribute to the saving on the electricity bill. We also promote the innovation from our company, providing new products and services aimed at meeting the needs of our clients. On the other hand, we are focused on the satisfaction of our clients and we have a department of Customer Support own and quality in charge of resolving any query.

Our company is a pioneer in the energy sector. It is constantly evolving, with the aim of achieving and providing excellence in all products, services and processes. Thanks to our business strategy, we can improve the conditions we offer and ensure that your electricity consumption is efficient and optimal, allowing you to save.

At Audax Renovables we help all clients optimize energy expenditure, thanks to a close and transparent customer service that resolves any queries or doubts that may arise during the registration and contracting process.

For many years the energy sector has been led by large companies with standard customer service. It is at this point where Audax Renovables wants to stand out.

Our corporate philosophy is premised on offering transparent, close and surprise-free advice. We study the situation of each user, providing them with the most appropriate solution for their consumption needs, thus achieving the greatest possible savings.

For this reason, we have rates adapted to each type of client: individuals, small and medium-sized companies, as well as large corporations. This means that, depending on the consumption made by each Audax Renovables customer, they are offered the most optimized option so that they pay for the cheapest energy that best suits their needs.

If you want to know how you can save energy in your daily life and minimize the impact on the environment, at Audax Renovables you will find the ideal partner. We are a responsible and environmentally friendly electricity and gas supplier company, aimed at homes and companies that want to optimize energy consumption and save on their bills. For this reason, we offer you the possibility of contracting 100% rates of renewable origin.

Discover our rates and find your ideal energy solution:

  • Indexed rate: with Audax Renovables, small and medium-sized companies can now also enjoy the advantages of paying for electricity at wholesale prices. Through our indexed rate you will pay each hour at the real price at which it is being sold in the electricity market, plus a small management commission. This is a rate whose energy price varies monthly, but which tends to be cheaper annually, as it does not have a risk premium associated with fixed rates.

At Audax Renovables we guarantee maximum transparency to our clients, both in the processing of the service and in subsequent billing, without surprises or rate variations during the term of the contract.

Don't hesitate, switch and really pay for what you consume. 


Any change of company may seem complicated, although it really is not, so we explain how. At Audax Renovables we make it very easy for you in order to save you time and headaches.

We take care of all the procedures and procedures, so that you can make the change of supply without hassle and with all the guarantees. You will not have to change your meter, nor carry out any work, nor will you suffer any outages or inconveniences. The only thing you will notice is that from now on you will receive an invoice from Audax Renovables, we will take care of the rest.

We care about our clients. It is for this reason that one of the most important objectives for our organization is to offer top quality customer service. We want to differentiate ourselves, in this way, from the rest of the competing companies. It is one of our most notable added values.

At Audax Renovables it is vitally important to maintain a close, transparent and agile relationship with our clients. And be efficient in resolving any incident or doubt, as well as in the procedures that concern our users, such as in this case the change of company.

If you decide to change your electricity supplier, you just have to contact us and provide us with the following information, but if you do not have this information, don't worry, contact us and we will help you:  

  • Complete details of the owner.
  • Supply address.
  • Electrical power.
  • Universal Supply Point Code (CUPS). You can extract this information from any previous invoice.
  • Bank account where the payment of the electricity supply is domiciled.

Normally a change of marketing company involves a management time of between 3 to 6 business days. During this time, you may receive a bill from the previous electric company for the billing period, but in the next period the new conditions already apply.

The change of marketer is a free procedure that we offer, so no amount will be paid either to the new marketer or to the previous one.  

If you want our team of professionals to help you process the change of supplier, contact us through our usual channels, either by phone or email. If you prefer, we can also assist you in person at any of our offices. As an energy company we have different customer service centers, located throughout the peninsular territory, with the aim of providing the best service to our users. Check our website for the nearest customer service office.

Let yourself be advised by our specialists, you will see how easy and simple it is to change companies. At Audax Renovables we are waiting for you with open arms!

Furthermore, and very importantly, Audax Renovables has its own wind farms that produce 100% energy of renewable origin, an energy Group that is very aware of the environment and its future. It has absolute respect for the environment that surrounds us and contributes its grain of sand to the conservation of the environment.

Remember that the energy you consume says a lot about you. Join a sustainable company!


At Audax Renovables we offer you the possibility of contracting 100% rates of renewable origin, that is, they have been produced using inexhaustible natural resources that do not generate greenhouse gases or polluting emissions. 

We attach you in this link the CNMC report where you can consult how the system of guarantees of origin is accredited. 


No. At Audax Renovables we maintain the current electrical installation, without works or inconveniences, or power cuts.

Despite what many believe, changing companies is much simpler than it seems. At Audax Renovables we make it very easy for you to save you any setbacks. We take care of all the procedures and procedures so that you can make the change of supply without hassle and with all the guarantees.

What is truly important is that this change occurs because the consumer wants to optimize the service they are receiving, benefit from other benefits, save on their bill or switch to green energy, among other improvements.

When choosing a rate it is very important to take into account the consumption that is made, the time availability and the times in which the highest consumption is made. We put at your disposal all the necessary information on our website, blog and through our specialists so that you can find the best energy solution for your home or business.

Some aspects to take into account when selecting the new rate are:

  • Number of occupants of the home or business.
  • Time that the members are in that property or premises.
  • Number of appliances and whether there is gas or electric heating.
  • Type of insulation that the property has.
  • Electrical consumption volume (number of kilowatts/hour).

We remind you that it is a free process and during which there is no interruption in the electricity supply. In addition, the term is related to the billing times of each electric company. After receiving the change request from the client, the last invoice from the previous marketer is issued. From that moment on, the new company will be in charge of billing the electricity. This change usually takes approximately 3 to 6 business days.

At Audax Renovables we offer clear, agile and transparent customer service because we care about our consumers. If you have any questions about this, you can contact us by phone, email or at one of our nearest offices and one of our experts will help you with all your doubts, queries and procedures.

Let yourself be advised by our specialists and follow all the steps they detail. You will see how easy and simple it is to switch to Audax Renovables. We are waiting with open arms!

We put all our efforts to optimize our processes and thus offer you the best rates, the most competitive on the market. We are committed to innovation and, for that reason, we provide new services to meet the needs of our consumers. Furthermore, we are very focused on the satisfaction of our customers. That is why we have our own quality customer service department.

These are some of the competitive advantages that we put at your disposal and that differentiate us from the competition.

Our goal is to offer the best service, always at the most competitive price.


The answer is no. There will not be any type of interruption in the electrical supply while the change of company is being managed or once the change is made.

The fact that there is a change in distributor does not mean that the distributor will change, since by geographical area it will probably remain the same.

In any case, we recommend having the entire process documented to be sure that the cancellation has occurred correctly and that the registration in the new marketing company has been carried out successfully.

Power outages are usually due to breakdowns and the distributor will be in charge of solving it. Likewise, if you do not have electricity, check that all your bills are up to date or that you have not requested the voluntary cancellation of the supply.

If what you want to make is a change of company, do not fear, there will be no power outage, the supply will not be interrupted during the procedure.

Likewise, we take this opportunity to remind you that changing companies is not as complicated as it seems. At Audax Renovables we make it very easy for you to save you any setbacks. We take care of all the procedures and procedures so that you can make the change of supply without hassle and with all the guarantees.

At Audax Renovables we offer clear, agile and transparent customer service, because we care about our customers.

If you have any questions about this, you can contact us via toll-free telephone number, web chat, email or social networks.

Let yourself be advised by our specialists and follow all the steps they detail. You will see how easy and simple it is to change companies. We are waiting with open arms!

Furthermore, and very importantly, the Audax Group has its own green generation, with its own wind farms in Spain, France and Poland, we are aware of the environment and its future. We have absolute respect for the environment that surrounds us and we do our part in preserving the environment.

The energy you consume says a lot about you. Join a green and sustainable company!


In compliance with current legislation and, for alternative conflict resolution, Audax Renovables is a member of the Consumer Arbitration System.

It is an extrajudicial mechanism that acts with total impartiality, independence and confidentiality in a quick, simple, effective manner and at no cost to the client.

Consumer Arbitration has coverage throughout the national territory, being limited to regional and municipal arbitration boards.

Any procedure that you need to manage begins with the presentation of an arbitration request by the holder of the electricity contract. The application document can be found in the following link

Below, we provide you with a list of regional, provincial and municipal boards that may be of interest to you:

Arbitration boards


At Audax Renovables we are very aware of our clients and their needs. Our commitment is to offer close treatment, personalized advice and the most competitive prices on the market.

Our goal is to achieve a long-term relationship with our clients. With this desire, we have simplified the bill so that you can know at all times what you consume and what you pay, clearly and without surprises.

If you have any questions you want to ask us, you can contact our specialists at 900 828 006 or send us an email at


Do you have questions about your invoice?

Here we explain all the concepts.

We will resolve your doubts and incidents in an agile and transparent way.

Audax Renovables was created with the commitment to offer close treatment and personalized advice based on the needs of our clients. This is one of our competitive advantages and what differentiates us from the competition.

We put at your disposal all the necessary resources so that you can resolve your doubts in a simple way. You will find a lot of information on this website and corporate blog, in addition to having a team of specialists who will answer all your questions.

We want to make things easier for you, help you optimize your energy consumption so that you save on your electricity bill and get an efficient supply appropriate to your needs. For these reasons, you are at the center of our business and our decisions.

You can contact us through different ways that we provide below. Telephone from Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. and office from Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.:


Audax Renovables is one of the main companies in the energy sector. A rapidly growing company that focuses its activity on the commercialization of electric energy and natural gas for individuals, businesses and companies.

On the one hand, we help you optimize your home's energy expenditure. In this case we are committed to offering you savings and proximity. We study your current contractual situation and offer you the most appropriate solution to your electricity consumption needs, thus reducing the amount of your home's electricity bill.

On the other hand, we offer a tailored service for businesses, companies, large companies and public administrations. On our website you will find information about all the rates that we make available to you, appropriate to the needs of each company. If you have several supply points, we will group the billing so that you can have better control of your company's energy costs.

We work every day to improve all our processes so we can provide you with the most competitive prices on the market. In addition, we promote innovation aimed at launching new products and services, aimed at meeting any consumer need.


Now you can send us your meter reading via WhatsApp. You just have to take a photo of the meter with your mobile phone and send it by WhatsApp to Audax Renovables (626 09 67 56). Please remember to enter your information (NIF / CIF of the owner) to identify the supply.

If you have a 2.0TD ACCESS RATE you must press the front or side button of the counter and look for these 3 codes, because you have three periods:

Look on your meter for the code 1.18.1, which corresponds to the period P1 (Peak), and next to it a number will appear that corresponds to the kWh consumption: that is the information you have to send us. 

Subsequently, search the counter for the code 1.18.2, which corresponds to P2 (Llano), and also send us this number. 

And finally, look in the counter for the code 1.18.3, which corresponds to P3 (Valley), and also send us this information.

Those 3 readings are the kWh you will have consumed to date. 

If you have contracted an ACCESS RATE 3.0TD or 6.XTD you will have 6 readings. Search your meter for the codes 1.18.1, 1.18.2, 1.18.3, 1.18.4, 1.18.5 and 1.18.6, which correspond to the active energy consumed to date, and send us the consumption corresponding to each code, In total there will be 6 readings.


In the event of a breakdown or interruption in supply, it is necessary to contact the Distributor who is responsible for the quality of the supply. At the bottom of your invoices you will find the free telephone number of your Distributor. In addition, below we provide you with a list of the Distributors with their corresponding telephone numbers. To find out which Distributor you are, you just have to look for the first 4 digits of the CUPS (CUPS prefix) of your supply, which you will find on any of your invoices.

If you do not know how to identify this code, click on the following link (“How to understand my invoice”) and you will find an example of an invoice with all its parts well detailed. You must locate the CUPS, which is a 22-character code, and extract the first 4 digits.

Check in the following list which is your Distributor. You will easily locate it by searching for the first 4 digits of your CUPS with the first column of the document titled: “CUPS Prefix”.


If you wish to facilitate the reading of your meter, you can do so by contacting us directly. You will be assisted by one of our agents from the Customer Service Department who will help you and guide you throughout the process. Or if you prefer, you have detailed instructions by clicking on the following document:

  • Meter reading

For us, the attention we provide to our clients is fundamental and one of the priorities of our company. At Audax Renovables we have our own internal Customer Service Department, exclusively for clients, without recorded voices and where our experts will assist you directly.


CLIENTS with the status of Consumer and User, as defined in Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, of November 16, which approves the consolidated text of the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users and other laws complementary, will have the right to withdraw from this contract within a period of 14 calendar days without the need for justification.

The withdrawal period will end 14 calendar days from the day on which the Contract is concluded.

To exercise the right of withdrawal, the CUSTOMER may send his decision to withdraw from the contract through an unequivocal statement in which he requests his right of withdrawal by sending a letter by postal mail to AUDAX RENOVABLES, SA, domiciled at C/ del Temple 25, 08911 Badalona (Barcelona), by fax to 934821516 or by email to Likewise, the CLIENT can exercise their right of withdrawal by contacting us by phone at 900 828 006.



As of June 1, 2021, the new electricity rates come into force. The most significant changes for consumers with power less than 15 kW and voltage less than 1 kV (normally domestic or SMEs) are that two sections of contracted power and three of energy are established depending on the time period. 

All consumers with contracted power less than 15 kW will have the 2.0TD rate (until now there were 6 different types of rates with that type of contracted power). 
The consumer will be able to contract 2 different powers, one for the peak period (from 08:00 a.m. to 00:00 a.m.) and another for the off-peak period (from 00:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m.). Except for the weekend and holidays, which will always be off. In this way the consumer will be able to adapt their power and be more efficient. 

Likewise, in the 2.0TD there will be 3 consumption periods: 
• Peak period: From 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and from 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. (the most expensive, when national energy demand is greater)
• Flat Period: From 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m., from 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. and from 10:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m. 
• Valley Period: From 00:00 a.m. to 08:00 a.m. (the cheapest, when national energy demand is lower)

SAVINGS TIP: Adjust your powers and try to consume the highest energy during the off-peak period and you will be able to save up to 40% on your electricity bill. 


TOLL 3.0TD and TOLL 6.1TD, 6.2TD, 6.3TD, 6.4TD

The 3.0A access rate (voltage level less than 1 kV and contracted power greater than 15 kW in any of the 6 periods) will be renamed 3.0 TD. 

- Migration of contracted powers from the current 3.0A to the new 3.0TD:

  • The current P1 period remains P1 in the new 3.0TD rate.
  • The current P2 period becomes periods P2, P3, P4, P5 in the new 3.0TD rate. 
  • The current P3 period remains as P6 in the new 3.0TD rate.

- Migration of contracted powers from the current 3.1A to the new 6.1TD:

  • The current P1 period remains P1 in the new 6.1TD rate.
  • The current P2 period becomes periods P2, P3, P4, P5 in the new 6.1TD rate.
  • The current P3 period remains as P6 in the new 6.1TD rate.

Likewise, the 3.0TD rate shares the following new features with the 6.1TD, 6.2TD, 6.3TD, 6.4TD rates: 

- In these rates there will be six different periods for both the contracted power term and consumption. That is, it will have six energy terms and six power terms.
- The contracted power in a period must be equal to or greater than the contracted power in the previous period (criterion Pn+1 ≥ Pn). If the criterion of increasing powers is not met, the contracted power in periods 2, 3, 4 and 5 will be equal to the contracted power in period 1.
- Electrical seasons: the schedule will vary depending on the day, time and geographical area (instead of whether it is winter or summer).

SEE Rate periods


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