Electricity Indexed Rate
Pay for electricity at wholesale price
Consumption Indexed Rate
If your company has a high annual consumption and you would like to pay the price of electricity each month based on the amount established by the wholesale electricity market, we present the Indexed Rate.
This rate will allow you to pay for electricity at cost price or acquisition price in the wholesale market, so that you can really get a saving significant energy in your company's electricity bill. And we also offer you the possibility of contracting 100% rates of renewable origin.
With the Indexed Rate you pay a variable price for the electrical energy consumed. In this way, with the Indexed Rate for electricity, the consumer accesses the free market and pays for the energy consumed by his or her company at cost price, plus a small management margin that will be paid to the marketer.
With this rate you will pay for energy every hour at the real price at which it is being sold in the electricity market and you will avoid paying the risk premium associated with any fixed rate throughout the contract period.
From June 1, 2021 The Government establishes new electricity rates. This regulatory change applies to all electricity consumers, of all existing rates. You don't have to do anything, it is an automatic transmission and, therefore, unless you want to modify the power, you don't have to do anything.
For consumers whose contracted power is less than 15 kW (they are usually individuals and businesses), three consumption periods are established, the price of which will vary depending on the time and day. Now the timing of your consumption is more important, so try to make your consumption occur in the cheapest period, the so-called Valley Period.
If your contracted power in any period is greater than 15 kW, you will have 6 periods.
New tolls - Download here Explanatory document Circular 3/2020
At Audax Renovables we generate 100% energy from renewable sources. Green energy produced through inexhaustible natural resources that do not generate greenhouse gases or polluting emissions.
We generate Green Energy 100% of renewable origin
At Audax we sell energy to individuals, businesses, large companies and administrations.
Benefits of the Indexed Rate for your company
The main advantage of this rate is the savings that you will notice on your company's electricity bill, with maximum security in both the supply and the customer service that Audax Renovables offers you.
Remember that you can adapt consumption to take advantage of the hours when electricity is cheaper and, at the same time, avoid paying the risk premium of fixed rates. This rate allows you efficient and optimized energy management that you will notice from the first month.
Below, we summarize its main benefits:
- Pay for each hour what electricity costs, thus maximizing savings.
- Pay for energy at wholesale price.
- Avoid the risk premium associated with fixed rates.
(1) INDEXED PRICE: The amount of the monthly price of the energy term will be made at the hourly level. The hourly price calculated according to the following formula will be multiplied by the consumption at the border point at the customer's hourly level based on the hourly profile as established in the General Conditions of the Contract. Additionally, a Financial Cost of 1.1% will be applied to all components of the contract, including VAT or IGIC.
PEh= [(PMDh+COSh+PC3h+CDh)*(1+Losses)+ GOh] * 1,015 + PaEh
PEh = Hourly energy price
CDh = Cost of energy scheduling deviations
PMDh*= Daily market price (OMIE)
PC3h = Financing payments for capacity (Regulated cost)
COSh = System operator costs (REE) + OS and OM Remuneration + Energy Efficiency Fund + Marketing Charges (CC**) + Cost of guarantees of origin in c€/KWh, public quotation reference (GdO).
PaEh = Energy term of the access toll + Energy Efficiency Fund + Marketing Charges (CC**)
GOh = Operating Expenses
*In SEIE for the SEIE hourly price for marketers (except CUR)
**CC: €0.0019/kWh 2.0TD rates with contracted power ≤10kW, €0.0007/kWh 2.0TD rates with contracted power >10kW and €0.00055/kWh at 3.0TD and 6.1TD rates.

I want to contract the Indexed Rate
If you want to pay the price of energy at market price, the Indexed Electricity Rate is the one that best suits you.
It is important that you are clear about the following points:
- The duration of the contract is 12 months. Yes, our contracts are permanent, since it precisely helps us to offer you better prices.
- At Audax Renovables we manage and make purchases in the Spanish Electricity Market with absolute transparency. The customer, in addition to paying for electricity based on the market price, must pay a small margin to the supplier for management purposes. This will be specified in your contract.
Hire the Audax Renovables Indexed Rate for your home right now and pay for electricity according to the price established in the electricity market!