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Audax puts four new photovoltaic plants into operation with a total power of 20 MWp

Audax Renovables (ADX.MC), a vertically integrated Spanish energy group that generates 100% renewable energy and supplies electricity and gas to customers in 7 European countries, has announced the start-up of four photovoltaic plants in Torija, in the province of Guadalajara. With this milestone, the company continues to focus on its generation activity, and expects the plants to come into operation and begin discharging energy into the grid in a few weeks.

With a total power of 20 MWp, the Alberizas I, II, III and IV photovoltaic plants have 59,760 solar panels in total and will produce 32.44 GWh of energy per year: the equivalent of the annual consumption of more than 9,400 homes.

For José Elías Navarro, President of Audax Renovables, “the commissioning of these four new plants will allow us to continue increasing the production of renewable energy for our clients, and is aligned with our commitment to the energy transition of our country.”

More photovoltaic plant projects

Additionally, Audax continues working on the construction of three other plants in Spain: Calañas, in the province of Huelva; and two others in the province of Toledo: Los Arenales and El Toconal.

The Calañas plants, located in the municipality of the same name, and Los Arenales, in Polán, will generate 4.48 MWp and 5 MWp respectively. Its construction has already been completed, and an Exploitation Authorization is pending, which the company expects to receive in the remainder of the year.

For its part, El Toconal, located in the town of Navalmorales, will have a power of 5 MWp. In this case, its evacuation infrastructure is already completed, and around 10% of the work on the facility itself is pending.

After Alberizas I, II, III and IV, Audax has already built or is completing thirteen photovoltaic installations in Castilla-La Mancha to which it has allocated a total investment of more than 34 million euros.

In addition, the group is preparing the construction of its next generation projects in Spain, for which it has already closed the contracting of components and construction contracts with first-level operators, in application of the roadmap of its Strategic Plan.

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