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Audax wins the public tender to supply natural gas to the National Currency and Stamp Factory

The listed Audax Renovables, one of the main operators in the national energy sector, has won the public competition summoned by the Royal Mint to supply natural gas to all of its facilities. 

Audax Renovables has been the energy company that has presented the best offer and the entire contract has been awarded accordingly. This is an agreement to supply a total of 26,650,000 KWh of natural gas in a single year, an essential supply for the National Mint and Stamp Factory can carry out its activity of manufacturing coins, banknotes, stamps and official documents.

The public tender has had a very high turnout, with 8 companies having submitted, Naturgy, Remica, Unión Fenosa Gas, Endesa, Galp, Multienergía Verde and Edp, but finally it was Audax Renovables that has been chosen winner and it will be the one that will supply the gas to the Royal Mint. 

Audax Renovables, a group that focuses its activity on the generation and commercialization of energy 100% renewable, has long been one of the most active gas operators in Spain. In addition to the large volume of gas marketed to large consumers in the private sector, there are recently awarded public contracts, including Aigües de Barcelona, the Prat de Llobregat City Council, the Ebro Hydrographic Confederation, the Geological and Mining Institute of Spain, the of Oncological Research Carlos III, Mercavalencia, the Catalan Corporation of Mitjans Audiovisuals, and the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports, among others.

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