Audax Renovables SL is awarded the contract to supply 157,135 kWh of electricity from 100% renewable origin to the Council of Carnota

The energy company that has presented the best proposal for the 8 supply points of the Concello de Carnota.
SEPTEMBER 3, 2024. The listed company Audax Renovables, one of the main operators in the national energy sector, has been awarded LOT II of the public tender called by the Municipality of Carnota to supply electricity to all the supply points on the lot.
The competition, which was attended by 7 operators, has been Audax Renewables the energy company that has presented the best proposal, even surpassing operators of the size of Gas Natural, so it will become a supplier of the 8 supply points of the Municipality of Carnota.
By this agreement, Audax Renewables will supply energy at 157,135 kWh/year, with part of the energy supplied being of renewable origin, thus reinforcing the commitment that the Municipality of Carnota has with the environment and with renewable and sustainable energies.
Marc Blasi, Country Manager of Audax Renovables in Spain, says: “This new contract is further proof that even public administrations without high energy costs or large consumption volumes can adapt energy purchases to modalities that until a few years ago were exclusively available to large consumers. It is therefore good news that market liberalisation and greater liquidity are giving rise to new operators and a greater diversity of contracting options.”.
About Audax Renewables
Founded in 2000, Audax Renovables is a vertically integrated energy group that generates 100 % renewable energy and supplies electricity and gas, with a presence in 9 countries.
It currently has a portfolio of wind and photovoltaic parks in Spain, Portugal, Italy, France, Poland and Panama in operation, under construction and in different stages of development that exceeds 1 GW. In its marketing activity, the group chaired by José Elías Navarro provides renewable energy and gas to more than 393,000 customers in Spain, Portugal, Italy, Germany, Poland, the Netherlands and Hungary, and leads the SME segment in Iberia.