Audax Renovables begins the construction of other new 4MWp

- With an investment of approximately 2.6 million euros, the El Rebollo project will have a total power of 4.12 MWp.
- The future project is located in the municipality of Yunquera de Henares, province of Guadalajara.
DECEMBER 29, 2022.– Audax Renovables (ADX.MC), a vertically integrated Spanish energy group that generates and supplies 100% renewable electricity and gas to customers in 7 countries, has announced the start of construction of a photovoltaic project located in the municipality of Yunquera de Henares, in the province of Guadalajara, which will add a total power of 4.12 MWp to the Group's portfolio.
In line with its strategy of continuing to boost its generation activity through the different projects that make up its portfolio, Audax Renovables plans to invest approximately 2.6 million euros in its construction.
The project will have 7,482 550 Wp modules with 1-axis Tier-1 category tracker, which will generate 7.7 GWh/year, the equivalent of the energy consumption of almost 2,100 homes and around 6,800 people. Its commitment to clean energy will prevent the emission into the atmosphere of some 1,600 tons of CO2 per year.
Said facility will be connected to the Yunquera de Henares substation (STR) and will have its own evacuation line of just over 2.5 kilometers, estimating that the construction period will be approximately 1 year since it contemplates a biological shutdown for the period between the months of March and June. The company ensures the monitoring of the works with top-level contractors that meet high quality standards, all under the EPC (turnkey) contract modality.
For the construction of the aforementioned project, the Group is at a very advanced stage in the negotiations to obtain adequate financing. Financing that will be without recourse, following the same structure as in other previous projects in the Audax Renovables generation portfolio.
Audax Renovables currently has 226 MW of power already installed and 19.2 MWp in the commissioning phase of the photovoltaic projects of La Miranda and Zaratán 1 and 2, as well as 21.87 MWp under construction of the photovoltaic projects of Four ways.
These projects are part of the firm commitment and strategy of the Audax Group to increase its renewable 100% generation portfolio by increasing its portfolio, either through organic growth or through the closing of purchase agreements, with the aim of supplying its customers with source energy. renewable produced in its own plants.
Likewise, it should be noted that neither this project nor any of those that make up the Audax Renovables portfolio are affected by the Decree approved by the Government of Spain on December 27 to alleviate the effects of inflation, which imposes a moratorium of eighteen months for those renewable projects that do not yet have access and connection permits to the grid, since all the projects that make up the Group's portfolio have the necessary access and connection permits to the grid.
For more information:
Gines Canabate
g.canabate@romanrm.com | (+34) 649 214 470
Patricia Gonzalez
p.gonzalez@romanrm.com | (+34) 915 915 500
About Audax Renewables
Founded in 2000, Audax Renovables is a vertically integrated Spanish energy group that generates and supplies 100% renewable electricity and gas to customers in seven European countries. Currently, it has a portfolio of wind and photovoltaic farms in Spain, Portugal, Italy, France, Poland and Panama in operation, under construction and in different stages of development, amounting to 2,536 MW. In its marketing activity, the group chaired by José Elías Navarro supplies renewable energy and gas to more than 396,000 customers in Spain, Portugal, Italy, Germany, Poland, the Netherlands and Hungary, and leads the SME segment in Spain. Audax began to be listed on the Spanish secondary market in 2003, and in 2007 it made the leap to the continuous market, where it became part of the IBEX SMALL CAP ® index in March 2020. In the first 9 months of 2022, its turnover reached 2,033 million euros, and has a team of more than 800 professionals.