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Audax Energía acquires the 100% from the Polish company Deltis

Audax Energía entered the Polish energy market in July 2016 with the acquisition of 51% from Deltis Energia, a company located in Warsaw, which had more than 2,000 customers in the Polish market and supplied electricity to companies and domestic customers.
The purchase of the remaining 49%, signed on February 28, 2018 in Warsaw, will allow Audax Energía to establish itself and enhance its development in Poland, a country with a number of inhabitants very similar to Spain, with high growth rates and a potential market of more than 1,800,000 companies and 14 million homes.
Since 2016, Audax Energía has implemented the business and marketing model in Poland that has already allowed it to grow successfully in other countries such as Portugal, Italy, Germany and Holland. As a result of improving processes and the marketing model, Audax Energía Poland has managed to triple the number of clients in just 2 years, achieving more than 6,600 active supplies with a forecast of ending 2018 with more than 10,000 active clients.
Another factor that has contributed to the growth has been the opening of a new line of business: the marketing of natural gas to domestic customers and companies in a market with high energy consumption. Currently the volume of gas supplied to customers in Poland is already equivalent to that of electricity.
The implementation of new tools following the Audax Group model has allowed it to grow more efficiently. The company plans to close 2018 with a turnover of more than PLN 32 million, which represents an increase of 68% compared to 2017.
Audax Energía Poland is directed by Sheila López, a person with extensive experience within the Audax Group and who has very competently led the project in Poland since 2016.
Audax Energía aims to continue expanding internationally by entering other countries in the European Union and Latin America.

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