Audax Renovables will supply 100% green electricity to Ibermutua The listed Audax Renovables, one of the main operators in the national energy sector, has closed a contract with Ibermutua, Mutua Collaborated with Social Security Nº274, to supply electricity to all of its 116 healthcare centers . Ibermutua, which is a national Mutual Fund, started […]
Audax Renovables begins work on its El Toconal project. The company obtains administrative and construction authorization from El Toconal, which allows it to begin construction immediately. Audax Renovables (ADX.MC), the comprehensive energy group with 100% renewable generation, continues to promote its generation activity through the different […]
Audax Renovables launches the Carolinas I and II photovoltaic plants Continuing with its strategy of focusing on generation activity, the company will begin, with the commissioning certificate obtained, the operations of the Carolinas I and II photovoltaic plant in Castilla- La Mancha Audax Renovables (ADX.MC), the comprehensive energy group with […]
Audax Renovables will supply renewable 100% electricity to the Public University of Navarra The listed Audax Renovables has been awarded the three lots that went to tender and, consequently, will supply the Public University of Navarra more than 9,000,000 KWh of renewable 100% electrical energy for a contract amount of around […]
Audax appoints Anabel López as a new member of the Audit Committee and the Appointments and Remuneration Committee. The appointment of the proprietary Director shows the Group's firm commitment to best practices in terms of good corporate governance. Audax Renovables (ADX.MC), the comprehensive energy group with 100% renewable generation, after […]
Audax Renovables and Fundació Badalona Capaç sign an agreement to promote the insertion of people with disabilities The vice president of Audax Renovables, Eduard Romeu Barceló, and the president of the Fundació Badalona Capaç, Maite Arqué Ferrer, have signed a collaboration agreement between both entities. Also attending the event were Rosa González, Corporate Director […]
Audax Renovables closes the first quarter increasing its results by 6% The comprehensive energy Group with renewable generation 100% achieved a turnover of 340 million euros and EBITDA has reached 12.8 million euros Audax Renovables (ADX.MC), the Comprehensive energy group with 100% renewable generation, has increased its profit in […]
Audax Renovables will supply 100% renewable electricity to the University of Burgos The listed Audax Renovables, one of the main operators in the national energy sector, has won the public tender called by the University of Burgos to supply electricity to all of its buildings for their supplies high and low voltage. Audax Renewables […]
Audax Renovables will supply renewable 100% electricity to the Adeje City Council The Adeje city council (Santa Cruz de Tenerife) will enjoy green 100% energy thanks to Audax Audax Renovables (ADX.MC), the energy group that integrates the 100% electricity generation and marketing businesses renewable and gas commercialization, has won the public tender called by […]
Audax Renovables ratifies its Investment Grade (BBB-) rating granted by Axesor The company maintains the BBB- credit rating with a stable trend, despite the difficult situation that we continue to experience derived from COVID-19 Audax Renovables (ADX.MC) , the energy group that integrates the businesses of generation and marketing of renewable 100% electricity and […]