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November 30, 2021
Audax puts four new photovoltaic plants into operation with a total power of 20 MWp

Audax puts into operation four new photovoltaic plants with a total power of 20 MWp The company has obtained authorization to operate the Alberizas I, II, III and IV plants, located in the town of Torija, from the Provincial Development Delegation Guadalajara Sustainable. Audax Renovables (ADX.MC), Spanish energy group […]

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November 16, 2021
Audax increases its sales by 83% in the third quarter, up to 1,143 million euros

Audax increases its sales by 83% in the third quarter, up to 1,143 million euros. The company registers a gross margin of 86 million euros and an EBITDA of 31.2 million. Audax has more than 544,000 active supply points: 10% more than in the third quarter of 2020. In […]

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October 21, 2021
Audax Renovables starts up the 20 MWp La Zarzuela photovoltaic plants in Toledo

Audax Renovables starts up the 20 MWp La Zarzuela photovoltaic plants in Toledo Continuing with its strategy of focusing on generation activity, the company will begin, with the commissioning certificate obtained, the operations of the La Zarzuela I photovoltaic plants , II, III and IV in Castilla-La Mancha Audax […]

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September 30, 2021
Audax Renovables is committed to gaining market share in the first half of 2021

Audax Renovables is committed to gaining market share in the first half of 2021 • Significantly increasing its revenue to almost €700 million. • The Gross Margin reached 54 million euros in the first half of 2021, while the EBITDA stood at 18.2 million […]

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July 15, 2021
Audax Renovables and HORECA Cádiz sign a collaboration agreement

Audax Renovables and HORECA Cádiz sign a collaboration agreement The hospitality companies affiliated with the HORECA CÁDIZ Federation will have various energy advisory services to save on their energy costs with 100% renewable energy The provincial Federation of hospitality entrepreneurs HORECA Cádiz, aware of the importance of electrical energy […]

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June 28, 2021
Audax Renovables will supply 100% green electricity to Ibermutua

Audax Renovables will supply 100% green electricity to Ibermutua The listed Audax Renovables, one of the main operators in the national energy sector, has closed a contract with Ibermutua, Mutua Collaborated with Social Security Nº274, to supply electricity to all of its 116 healthcare centers . Ibermutua, which is a national Mutual Fund, started […]

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June 9, 2021
Audax Renovables begins work on its El Toconal project

Audax Renovables begins work on its El Toconal project. The company obtains administrative and construction authorization from El Toconal, which allows it to begin construction immediately. Audax Renovables (ADX.MC), the comprehensive energy group with 100% renewable generation, continues to promote its generation activity through the different […]

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June 2, 2021
Audax Renovables launches the Carolinas I and II photovoltaic plants

Audax Renovables launches the Carolinas I and II photovoltaic plants Continuing with its strategy of focusing on generation activity, the company will begin, with the commissioning certificate obtained, the operations of the Carolinas I and II photovoltaic plant in Castilla- La Mancha Audax Renovables (ADX.MC), the comprehensive energy group with […]

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June 1, 2021
Audax Renovables will supply 100% renewable electricity to the Public University of Navarra

Audax Renovables will supply renewable 100% electricity to the Public University of Navarra The listed Audax Renovables has been awarded the three lots that went to tender and, consequently, will supply the Public University of Navarra more than 9,000,000 KWh of renewable 100% electrical energy for a contract amount of around […]

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May 26, 2021
Audax appoints Anabel López as a new member of the Audit Committee and the Appointments and Remuneration Committee

Audax appoints Anabel López as a new member of the Audit Committee and the Appointments and Remuneration Committee. The appointment of the proprietary Director shows the Group's firm commitment to best practices in terms of good corporate governance. Audax Renovables (ADX.MC), the comprehensive energy group with 100% renewable generation, after […]

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