AUDAX ENERGY VIRAL VIDEO +179,000 views, 1,428 "Likes" and 80 positive comments on YouTube +900 Tweets on Twitter +175,000 views and 294 "Likes" on Facebook. Haven't you seen it on our YouTube channel yet?
Explanation of the bill in sign language How does the electricity market work in Spain? Do you understand your electricity bill? In this video aimed at deaf people, and made by FESCAN and with the collaboration of Finance for Mortals - Financial Education, you will be able to understand all the economic concepts in a simple way […]
Audax Energía enters the GAS market Customers will be able to contract their electricity and gas supplies and benefit from very competitive rates. Audax Energía offers gas and electricity to all types of customers: households, SMEs, companies and large consumers, adapting to the needs of each one, without paperwork or hassles. The […]
Audax Energía on TV Thanks to the success obtained with the previous advertising campaign, Audax Energía is committed to repeating the broadcast of the spot in prime time slots on TV and has also launched a new viral video on the Internet. The campaign has been launched on the television channels of the ATRESMEDIA group and has […]
Acquisition of a new company in Italy Audax Energía began its expansion in Italy in the second quarter of 2014 through the acquisition of the company Big Energia. This company located near Turin had about 2,000 clients and after implementing Audax Energía's own business and marketing model in Italy, it has […]
Gas in Portugal The electrical energy marketer Audax Energía, present in Portugal since 2013, establishes itself in the Portuguese energy market by marketing gas to companies and homes Audax Energía, a company with Spanish 100% capital, entered Portugal in the third quarter of 2013, marketing electricity and It currently occupies the 7th position in the market […]
Audax Energía on TV The objective of Audax Energía with this spot is to communicate to customers that there are alternatives, that if you are not comfortable with your current company you can change easily, without paperwork, without risks of interruption or inconvenience. “If you don't like something, change it” aims to make customers aware that […]
Audax rises to 8th position! Audax Energía, with more than 44,820 clients, already occupies eighth position in the Spanish electricity market with a share of 1,22% and a supply of more than 263 GWh. Audax Energía has climbed positions in the Spanish electricity market, placing itself among the 8 main marketers. The company is […]
Audax Energía in Germany The electric energy marketer Audax Energía, after its entry and consolidation in the Portuguese and Italian markets, decides to continue expanding internationally with its entry into Germany. Since this January Audax Energía has been present in the German market where it has opened a subsidiary, Audax Energie GmbH, with headquarters in […]
Generating plants The electrical energy marketer Audax Energía expands its service offering beyond marketing and begins its action as a sales agent of the electrical energy generated by the production plants. In this way, the company will represent the generating plants before the different organizations of the electricity market: REE, […]