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Green energy

We are a company aware of the environment and its future. We respect the environment and do our part in preserving the environment.

The green energy we generate is clean energy because it does not produce greenhouse gases into the atmosphere of our planet, thus creating responsible consumption without harming the environment.

The renewable energy modality is born from this awareness and need.

We market renewable energy to any type of customer: homes, small and medium-sized businesses and large companies.

Green or renewable energy comes from inexhaustible natural sources, such as solar energy, wind energy, biomass, geothermal and hydroelectric.

Committed to the environment and the SDGs of the Global Compact

Audax Renovables, a pioneer in its commitment to the environment, has been a member of the Spanish Network of the United Nations Global Compact for Sustainable Development since 2013: an action plan in favor of people, the planet, prosperity and universal peace .

Specifically, Audax incorporates into its strategy SDG 7: Affordable and non-polluting energy, which has the objective of guaranteeing access to affordable, safe, sustainable and modern energy for all and SDG 13: Climate Action, with the objective to adopt urgent measures to combat climate change and its effects

We take care of the planet

We use renewable energy sources that do not pollute the air, water or land. When we talk about green energy we are not only referring to the marketing process, but also to the production process. We have 5 wind farms in Spain that produce wind energy of renewable 100% origin.

Your home or business 100% of renewable origin

We offer you the possibility of contracting energy from renewable sources, according to your needs, whether for your home, business, company or for the public administration. We put at your disposal a variety of indexed rates so that you can find the one that best suits what you need at all times. Remember that all products with the green energy seal help protect the environment where we live.

The future of energy

If you act ethically and committedly in your daily life, why not do the same with your energy supply? Choose green, clean, efficient, sustainably generated energy that adapts to your needs. Let your energy be as committed as you or your business. Because the energy you consume says a lot about you.

Energy Mix

You can consult our energy mix by downloading the Electricity Guarantees and Labeling Report issued by the CNMC here, inserting the year for which you want to make the query (from the previous year)

At Audax Renovables we generate 100% energy from renewable sources. Green energy produced through inexhaustible natural resources that do not generate greenhouse gases or polluting emissions. 

We generate Green Energy 100% of renewable origin

At Audax we sell energy to individuals, businesses, large companies and administrations.

Renewable energies in Spain

Renewable energies are the energy providers of the future because they are an inexhaustible source of resources.

They currently form one of the main sources of electrical energy in our country. Below we remind you of the main sources of green energy: solar energy, wind energy, biomass, geothermal and hydroelectric, as well as the main particularities and competitive advantages.

Wind power

Wind energy consists of transforming the force of the wind into energy through wind turbines.

Audax Renovables, a company integrated into the Audax Group, has parks in Spain, France, and Poland and is currently involved in the construction of a park in Panama.

Solar energy

Transforming solar energy is obtained from the sun's electromagnetic radiation, a natural and inexhaustible source.

Spain is one of the European countries with the most hours of sunshine per day, reaching up to 3,000 hours of full light per year. Despite this encouraging data, there is still a long way to go.

Hydroelectric power

Hydroelectric energy takes advantage of the movement of water and transforms it into electrical current. It is one of the most used natural resources to be exploited in areas where the force of water plays a special role, whether in mighty rivers or in very rainy regions.

In our country we find communities such as Catalonia, Galicia and Castilla y León that have a greater installed power network of this type of green energy.

Audax Group and the environment

The generation of 100% electricity from renewable sources is a firm commitment of the Audax Group. Proof of this is that, in addition to marketing green energy, we have our own wind and photovoltaic parks.

We are consolidating ourselves as an energy company focused on renewable energies, which represents a clear commitment to our clients and the environment.

We have our own wind farms that generate energy from 100% renewable sources and we are present in Spain, Portugal, Italy, Germany, Poland, Holland, France and Hungary, with a diversified and stable portfolio.

We are aware of climate change, its causes and consequences. For this reason, our mission is to promote conscious consumption. If we constantly act in an ethical and conscious manner with the use of energy, without a doubt, we will significantly help conserve the environment.
Remember that the energy you consume says a lot about you. Join a sustainable company! You can do it with Audax rates.

Produce your own green energy

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