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Audax Renovables launches a virtual battery that allows its customers to use surplus energy to reduce the amount of their bill

 The surplus energy from the solar panels is converted into euros that Audax Renovables customers can deduct from their supply invoices, being able to offset up to 100% of the invoice amount.

The virtual battery allows you to redeem this surplus whenever you want, since it does not expire.

The client always has control of their accumulated surpluses, as well as the money they have available to exchange.

26 SEPTEMBER 2023.– Audax Renovables (ADX.MC), a vertically integrated Spanish energy group that generates and supplies 100% electricity of renewable origin and gas with a presence in 9 countries, launches the virtual battery, a product that allows its clients to have control and take advantage of surplus energy that their solar panels produce.

This product allows the surplus energy generated by the solar panels to be converted into euros, accumulating them in the virtual battery and offering the customer flexibility to decide when, how and in what supply they have contracted with Audax Renovables they want to use them to reduce their bill.

Unlike the traditional simplified surplus compensation, with Audax's virtual battery it is possible to compensate up to 100% of the amount of the bill, whether for electricity or gas, being able to leave it at €0.

Its operation is very simple and it also has a specific section so that the client can manage it from their 'Customer Area'. Through the customer portal, the customer can see an intuitive dashboard from which to manage all active supply points, see how much surplus money they have accumulated and decide in which supply and in which billing period to compensate them. In addition, it allows you to consult the history of how many surpluses you have been able to accumulate and therefore see the total savings obtained thanks to the virtual battery.

For only a small monthly management cost, Audax Renovables customers can enjoy the virtual battery, a product without installation, without initial cost and without permanence. Furthermore, the surpluses accumulated in the virtual battery do not expire and can be offset at any time, as long as the client maintains an active supply at Audax Renovables.

In the words of Óscar Santos, General Director of Audax Renovables, “at Audax we take another step in sustainability and the conscious use of energy, making available to the client the management of the energy that their solar panels have already generated and giving them the freedom to deduct the amount from your next invoices. Thus, they themselves can decide when and how to take advantage of the energy already generated, having the possibility not only of choosing the time of year in which they can reduce their bills and the amount they want to deduct, but also in the supply of Audax Renovables, electricity or gas, that they have registered in the one in which they want to do it.”

The virtual battery is available for contracting from XX both for clients already active in Audax and for new contracts. Its only requirement is to have a supply point with solar panels installed for active self-consumption at Audax Renovables and to be covered by the simplified compensation mechanism.

About Audax Renewables

Founded in the year 2000, Audax Renovables is a vertically integrated Spanish energy group that generates 100 % energy from renewable sources and supplies electricity and gas to customers in 7 European countries.

Currently, it has a portfolio of wind and photovoltaic parks in Spain, Portugal, Italy, France, Poland and Panama in operation, under construction and in different phases of development that exceeds 1GW. In its marketing activity, the group chaired by José Elías Navarro provides renewable energy and gas to approximately 380,000 customers in Spain, Portugal, Italy, Germany, Poland, Holland and Hungary, and leads the SME segment in Iberia. Audax began trading on the Spanish secondary market in 2003, and in 2007 it made the leap to the continuous market. It is currently part of the IBEX SMALL CAP ® index. Its market capitalization reaches 500 million euros, and it has a team of 800 professionals.

For more information:
Roman Ginés Cañabate | (+34) 649 214 470
Patricia González | (+34) 915 915 500

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