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Financing of the social bond

What is the social bonus?

We explain the new financing of the social bond

The social electricity bonus is a discount, regulated by the Government, which aims to protect consumers in vulnerable situations.

El nuevo mecanismo de financiación del bono social queda regulado por el Real Decreto-ley 6/2022, de 29 de marzo y el Real Decreto-ley 10/2022, de 13 de mayo y es aplicable a todos los agentes del mercado.

Who can benefit from the social bonus?

In order to qualify for the social bonus, it is essential to meet some requirements:

  • Have contracted the voluntary price for small consumers (PVPC) in the habitual residence
  • Comply with the personal, family and income requirements established in


What does the new social bond financing model consist of?

With this change, the financing of the social bonus will no longer fall solely on the electricity marketers, but will be financed by all companies in the sector: generators, distributors, marketers and consumers, distributed as follows:

  • Valores unitarios correspondientes a las actividades de producción: 0,238676 €/MWh producido
  • Valores unitarios correspondientes a transporte: 0,001356 €/€ retribuido
  • Valores unitarios correspondientes a la actividad de distribución:  0,310777 €/CUPS
  • Valores unitarios correspondientes a la actividad de comercialización: 2,299047 €/CUPS
  • Valores unitarios correspondientes a los consumidores directos en mercado será de 0,219448 €/MWh consumido

These values have been determined by the National Markets and Competition Commission (CNMC), who could modify them in the event of deviations greater than 20% from real needs.


How will I see it reflected on my electricity bill?

A partir de la publicación del Real Decreto-ley 6/2022, de 29 de marzo y el Real Decreto-ley 10/2022, de 13 de mayo verás una nueva línea en tu factura en concepto de financiación del bono social y que corresponderá a los valores unitarios de a la actividad de comercialización:  2,299047 €/CUPS/año.

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