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Audax enters Poland

Deltis Energia, located in Warsaw, the country's capital, already has more than 2,000 customers in the Polish market and supplies electricity and gas to companies, large companies and domestic customers.

The objective of Audax Energía in Poland is to implement the business and marketing model applied with great success in Spain, Portugal, Italy and Germany to multiply Deltis Energia's current turnover by 4 and triple the number of clients next year.

This operation will allow Audax Energía to enter an expanding market with a number of inhabitants very similar to that of Spain and with a potential market of more than 1,800,000 companies, of which 99.8% are SMEs, which is mainly the type of client. to which Audax Energía is directed.

With a vocation for international growth

Internationalization is one of the pillars of Audax Energía's strategic plan. It is expected that at the end of 2016, 30% of Audax Energía's billing will come from international subsidiaries located in Portugal, Italy, Germany and Poland. The forecast for 2017 is to increase this percentage until reaching 40%.

The company began its international expansion in Portugal and in just 2 years it has managed to reach 7th position and consolidate its share in the Portuguese energy market, marketing electricity and gas. Audax Energía has been a pioneer in the introduction of the Indexed Tariff in Portugal, a product until then almost non-existent in the market.

The entry into Italy occurred in 2014 through the purchase of the company Big Energía and in 2015 it achieved exponential growth with the acquisition of the domestic division of the CEI marketer, Compagnia Energetica Italiana, adding 21,000 clients and consolidating its presence in a very competitive. One of the company's differential values in Italy is its 57 offices that operate as local service points.

Germany has been a key bet to enter one of the main energy markets of the European Union. In January 2015, Audax Energie GmbH was created and work is underway to implement the company's own commercial strategy in the country with significant growth forecasts at the end of this year.

Audax Energía aims to continue expanding internationally with the short-term entry into 2 other countries in the European Union and Latin America.

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