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Audax closes the best year in its history

Audax Renovables has generated an Ebitda of 53.4 Million Euros, which represents an increase of 44% compared to the previous year.

The energy company, dedicated to the commercialization of electric energy and gas as well as the generation of renewable 100% electricity, has closed 2018 with a record turnover of 987 million euros. The gross margin amounts to 103.7 million euros. The EBITDA has amounted to 53.4 million euros, while the net profit has reached 9 million euros.

These excellent results are a consequence of the group's expansion strategy, which has allowed it to establish itself at a national level in the SME segment and position itself as the fourth marketer nationwide. Likewise, international expansion has allowed it to improve its competitiveness and position itself as an international reference operator with a presence in Portugal, Italy, Germany, Poland, Holland, France and Panama. The group continues to focus on maintaining profitability and margin by offering competitive rates to customers thanks to its cost optimization policy.

The synergies of the vertical integration of the marketing and generation activities of renewable energy have allowed it to increase its customer base by 11%, exceeding 350,000, with a total volume of green energy generated of 386.1 Gwh and 10.1 TWh of energy sold. , which represents an increase of 27.5% compared to the previous year.

The solid financial position of the Audax Group has allowed it to increase its Net Worth to reach 154 million euros. The results obtained will allow Audax to face new future projects with security and confidence. The company's objective is to continue betting on the development of renewable energies and new projects and PPAs (Power Purchase Agreements) that will allow it to acquire energy at more competitive prices, position itself in an advantageous position in the global energy market and achieve its objectives. of their future plans.

Last March 2018, Audax signed a PPA with Cox Energy, a contract that marked a historic milestone in the global energy market by becoming the largest agreement signed for the purchase of energy produced with solar photovoltaic technology to date. This PPA has been surpassed by the recent PPA that Audax signed this February with Welink Group, becoming the largest agreement worldwide, with a total of 708 MW of installed power, positioning Spain and Portugal as the European countries with a greater volume of renewable energy marketed through this type of contracts.

Audax also plans to develop and promote self-consumption photovoltaic projects with the aim of promoting the generation of renewable energy through the use of photovoltaic modules installed on roofs, especially in companies and businesses. This project will allow customers to generate their own renewable 100% source energy free of greenhouse gas emissions. A key plan for the company that responds to growing market demand after the repeal of the support toll known as the “sun tax.”

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