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Audax Renovables and Fundació Badalona Capaç sign an agreement to promote the insertion of people with disabilities

The vice president of Audax Renovables, Eduard Romeu Barceló, and the president of the Badalona Capaç Foundation, Maite Arqué Ferrer, have signed a collaboration agreement between both entities. Also attending the event were Rosa González, Corporate Director of Audax Renovables, and Montse Cañizares, Director of the Badalona Capaç Foundation.

The vice president of Audax Renovables, Eduard Romeu Barceló, and the president of the Fundació Badalona Capaç, Maite Arqué Ferrer, signed on May 17, at the Audax offices located in Badalona, a framework collaboration agreement by which both entities commit to developing joint actions to enhance the personal, social and labor development of people with disabilities. Audax Renovables wanted to enhance social commitment to especially vulnerable people in this complicated context of health and social crisis.

The "Fundació Badalona Capaç" has focused its activity, for more than 24 years, on ensuring the quality of life and integration of people with disabilities, especially intellectual ones, and its mission is focused on supporting these people. At the Foundation they work to generate well-being and opportunities, for social inclusion, for the rights and equal opportunities for people with disabilities. In addition, they carry out awareness-raising tasks for the entire population.

Thanks to this agreement, Audax Renovables will help disseminate the work of the Foundation through its communication channels. The objective of Audax Renovables is to be able to offer work, either in the Badalona offices or in other companies of the Audax group, to people from the Fundació Capaç who are in socially vulnerable situations and for this employment to provide them with autonomy, personal fulfillment and normalization. social.  

This agreement also includes support and advice from Audax to improve the Foundation's energy efficiency, assessing the most appropriate self-consumption and efficiency options to reduce energy costs using renewable 100% electricity. Likewise, the launch of a computer equipment donation program is contemplated to improve digitalization and access to the Foundation's new technologies. The signing of this agreement is aligned with the vision and values of Audax Renovables of helping to transform society and supporting associations that work to improve the social and environmental environment. 

At Audax Renovables we are committed to including people with different skills and abilities in the team, which provides great value. This diversity is what helps companies continue to move forward, betting on inclusive models that encourage creativity and plurality and that promote innovation and growth in the current changing environment in which we live.  

Both institutions begin this collaboration with great enthusiasm, hoping to achieve great successes that will allow this agreement to be extended and strengthened for many years. 

About Audax Renewables 
The Group is the result of the merger by absorption between Audax Renovables, SA and its parent company, Audax Energía, SA, giving rise to a comprehensive energy group with 100% renewable generation.

Audax focuses its activities on the generation of renewable 100% energy, as well as the supply of renewable 100% electricity and gas.
Founded in the year 2000, in 2003 Audax Renovables began to be listed on the secondary market of the Barcelona Stock Exchange and in 2007 it was listed on the SIBE of the Madrid Stock Exchange. Currently, it is listed on the Spanish Continuous Market under the name (ticker) ADX.MC, having been incorporated into the IBEX SMALL CAP® index on March 23, 2020.

We are the leading energy group in the SME segment in Spain, guaranteeing an efficient supply of marketed energy through a process of vertical integration with renewable generation activity, with a solid financial position, and prepared to lead the energy transition in the European market.
The Group manages a portfolio of generation projects in operation of 91 MW in wind farms in Spain, France and Poland, and 15 MWp photovoltaic in Spain. Additionally, it has 66 MW of wind power under construction in Panama. Likewise, it has a portfolio of photovoltaic projects under construction of 115 MWp and has a photovoltaic portfolio of 2,277 MW in different phases of development located in Spain, Portugal and Italy. 

Audax Renovables, in its activity of marketing renewable 100% electricity and gas, is present in Spain, Portugal, Italy, Germany, Poland, Holland and Hungary, adding more than 540 thousand clients.

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