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Audax Renovables starts up the 20 MWp La Zarzuela photovoltaic plants in Toledo

Continuing with its strategy of focusing on generation activity, the company will begin, with the commissioning certificate obtained, the operations of the La Zarzuela I, II, III and IV photovoltaic plants in Castilla-La Mancha

Audax Renovables (ADX.MC), the energy group that integrates the businesses of generation and marketing of renewable 100% electricity and gas, has obtained operating authorization from the Provincial Delegation of Sustainable Development of Toledo for the entry into operation of the La Zarzuela I, II, III and IV photovoltaic plants, located in the town of Escalonilla, province of Toledo (Castilla La Mancha), with a total power of 20 MWp, also imminently starting to dump energy into the grid.

It so happens that the works had been carried out at 100% for weeks, but some of the administrative procedures have suffered some delay before the different institutions involved. However, these delays have been able to be resolved, awaiting the imminent entry into operation of the aforementioned facilities.

In this same sense, it should be noted that the Las Alberizas I, II, III and IV photovoltaic plants located in the Guadalajara Municipality of Torija, with a total installed power of 20MWp, are in a similar situation to the previously mentioned project, hoping to obtain also over the next few days the corresponding exploitation authorization, and thus be able to begin operations soon. The company, when it obtains the required exploitation authorization, will promptly inform the market of such circumstance.

 Additionally, it should be noted that the Group continues with the construction and implementation of the following projects: 

- Calañas, a project located in the Huelva town of the same name, with a power of 4.48MWp. 
- Los Arenales, located in the town of Polán, Toledo, with a power of 5 MWp. 
- El Toconal, located in the town of Navalmorales, Toledo, with a power of 5 MWp. 

The construction of the aforementioned projects is proceeding completely normally, with execution reaching an average of 90% and the Group expects them to be completed and come into operation in the current year.

All of the aforementioned projects mentioned above have not required financing from third parties, but have been financed through the issuance of green bonds obtained by the Group at the end of the previous year. 

Over the coming weeks, the Group will continue to promptly inform the market about the evolution of the progress of the projects that make up its portfolio, with the aim of keeping the market and its investors permanently informed.

These projects continue to be framed within the Audax Renovables Group's strategy of increasing its 100% renewable generation portfolio, and therefore it is focused on closing other purchase agreements with the aim of supplying its clients with renewable energy produced in their own floors.

About Audax Renewables 
The Group is the result of the merger by absorption between Audax Renovables, SA and its parent company, Audax Energía, SA, giving rise to a comprehensive energy group with 100% renewable generation.

Audax focuses its activities on the generation of renewable 100% energy, as well as the supply of renewable 100% electricity and gas.
Founded in the year 2000, in 2003 Audax Renovables began to be listed on the secondary market of the Barcelona Stock Exchange and in 2007 it was listed on the SIBE of the Madrid Stock Exchange. Currently, it is listed on the Spanish Continuous Market under the name (ticker) ADX.MC, having been incorporated into the IBEX SMALL CAP® index on March 23, 2020.

We are the leading energy group in the SME segment in Spain, guaranteeing an efficient supply of marketed energy through a process of vertical integration with renewable generation activity, with a solid financial position, and prepared to lead the energy transition in the European market.
The Group manages a portfolio of generation projects in operation of 91 MW in wind farms in Spain, France and Poland, and 55 MWp photovoltaic in Spain. Additionally, it has 66 MW of wind power under construction in Panama as well as 21 MWp in photovoltaic projects, adding a total of 87 MW under construction, and has a photovoltaic portfolio of 2,291 MWp in different phases of development located in Spain, Portugal and Italy. 

Audax Renovables, in its activity of marketing renewable 100% electricity and gas, is present in Spain, Portugal, Italy, Germany, Poland, Holland and Hungary, adding more than 549 thousand clients.

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